Are you interested in being a part of the Monument School family?!?!
Temporary Cook and Evening Custodial
We are always looking for substitutes! If you are not interested in a consistent work commitment, we are looking for classified substitutes to help cover our educational assistants, cooks, and custodians when they are gone. Please contact the school office if you are interested.
For an application, please fill out our District Employment Application – Non Certified and turn it into the office. You can also call or stop by the office for an application.
Follow us on Facebook!
You will see upcoming events and photos of great things happening at our school on our Monument School Tigers page!
To reach Monument School office please call 541-934-2646. If we don’t answer, please leave a message and we will get back to you shortly.
Our fax number is 541-934-2005 (Fax)
Public Complaint Procedure
Monument School District Complaint Policy KL
Monument School District Complaint Policy KL-AR
Monument School District does not discriminate or harass on the grounds of race, color, marital status, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or disability in any educational program, activity, or employment.